Publication in the Review Atlas is January 29,2025.
Deadline to file a complaint with the Board of Review is February 28, 2025.
Farmland re-calculation notices will not automatically be mailed. If you would like a copy of your farmland re-calculation, please call or stop by our office and we will supply that for you.
The Warren County Assessment Office is responsible for identifying and valuing all property within Warren County for ad valorem tax purposes. We work to ensure that all property is assessed fairly and equitably, so that our local governments, law enforcement, schools, and other organizations have the funds they need to maintain, improve, and repair our infrastructure, protect us from crime, and educate our children.
Our services include:
If you have any questions about your property assessment or need assistance with any of our services, please contact our office. We are here to help you navigate the assessment process and ensure that your property is assessed fairly and accurately.
Assessment Data and current property ownership information is available by phone and email. The information may now also been seen at This web portal contains general information in addition to limited property record card data. Depending on your web browser setting you may have to allow pop ups to view the basic property record card. Copies of property record cards and parcel maps may be obtained from our office and will be sent by regular mail along with an invoice to the address you provide when you make your request.
There is now a GIS option to view aerial photography available through the web portal however the only information that appears when a parcel is selected is the parcel number, site address, owners name, brief legal description and total acreage if available. Additional information is available by clicking on the 3 dots in the lower right hand corner of the pop up box and selecting view attribute table.
To go directly to the Tax Parcel App to view parcels on an aerial without going through the data portal use The dates of the aerials used at the various viewing levels is not known but might be as old as 2007. To search on this site you must have the Owners name, Site Address or Map number which is the 10 digit parcel number without dashes.
Requests for custom reports must be made in writing detailing the information and format you are requesting. Once the cost of the report is determined payment must be made in advance. Click here for the current fee schedule.
When you are doing inquires the Tax Year is the same as the Assessment Year. For example, if you are wanting to see what the assessment or exemptions were for 2017 payable in 2018 you will need to inquire on Tax Year 2017. NOTE: Assessments shown online at the Clerk, DOR (Department of Revenue) or Treas (Treasurer) levels are after adjustments have been made for various exemptions applied at the time property taxes are calculated and are not changes to the actual assessed value of the property.
If you are doing a search by address the direction is a single letter, N, S, E or W but the system does not require you to include if it is a street (ST) or avenue (AVE). Your chances of getting results are better if you stop after the street name especially if you are not sure which it is or how it is abbreviated. If you have a parcel number from a property record card do not enter the 94 since that is the county number and does not appear anywhere in the system. Parcel Numbers have to be entered with dashes (XX-XXX-XXX-XX) or can be entered in the Alternate Parcel Number field without (XXXXXXXXXX). Please note, if you are doing an inquiry by parcel number on the GIS site you have to use the alternate parcel.
Change of address requests must be made in writing and must include a written signature by letter or you can click here to download a change of address request form (pdf), Completed forms may be submitted to this office by either mail or e-mail.
Click here to download or view a listing if the first two digits of the parcel number for each township along with a listing of which town, lake or village is located in each township.
Contact our office if you have questions regarding qualifications and application procedures for homestead exemptions in our County. All homestead exemptions require the property be your legal/permanent residence. Beginning dates and other guidelines vary by exemption once the property becomes your permanent residence.
Online access to frequently asked questions may also be available at the Illinois Department of Revenue website:
For more information regarding Illinois Department of Revenue information on how farmland is assessed go to:
[This was the second paragraph under “General Info”. It was asked to be removed, but will stay hidden here in case needed in the future.]
Click here to download or view a listing if the first two digits of the parcel number for each township along with a listing of which town, lake or village is located in each township.
Q: Can I change my address?
A: Yes, change of address requests must be made in writing and must include a written signature by letter or by downloading a change of address request form. Completed forms may be submitted to this office by either mail or e-mail.
Q: What is a Homestead Exemption and how do I get one?
A: Contact our office if you have questions regarding qualifications and application procedures for homestead exemptions in Warren County. All homestead exemptions require the property to be your legal/permanent residence. Beginning dates and other guidelines vary by exemption once the property becomes your permanent residence.
Assessment information can be found at:
Publication in the Review Atlas is September 27, 2023.
Deadline to file a complaint with the Board of Review is October 27, 2023.
PLEASE send your FOIA requests to the appropriate office.
This is the Supervisor of Assessment’s Office.
Please direct your FOIA requests to: [email protected]
Instructions for Requesting Information and Public Records
1. Please make your request for records in writing. Warren County does not require the completion of a standard form for this purpose, however
a form is available in the link above for your convenience. To submit the available form electronically you must save it to your computer then e-mail it to the appropriate department. You may submit your written request by mail, fax, email or in person. If sending your request via email, use FOIA in the subject line to identify your emails as a FOIA request and to reduce the possibility of it being filtered as SPAM.
2. Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking. Remember, FOIA is designed to allow you to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions. To the extent that you wish to ask questions of a representative of Warren County, please refer to the department list in Offices & Departments.
3. Please tell us whether you would like copies of the requested records, or whether you wish to examine the records in person. You have the right to do either.
4. For black and white, letter or legal sized copies, the first 50 pages are free, unless a different fee is otherwise fixed by statute. Any additional pages will be charged at .15 cents per page. Color and abnormal size copies will be charged the actual cost of copying.
5. You are permitted to ask for a waiver of copying fees. To do so, please include the following statement (or a similar statement) in your written FOIA request. “I request a waiver of all fees associated with this request.” In addition, you must include a specific explanation as to why your request for information is in the public interest – not simply your personal interest – and merits a fee waiver.
6. Please include your name, preferred telephone number(s), mailing address, and, if you wish, your electronic mail address.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Overview
The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to ensure that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government, and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials.
The principle mandate of the Act provides that each public body shall make available to any person for inspection, or upon submission of a written request, to provide copies of any requested records that are subject to disclosure under the Act. Not all records are subject to disclosure, and the Act provides a number of exemptions.
This Act is not intended to be used to violate individual privacy, nor for the purpose of furthering a commercial enterprise, or to disrupt the duly-undertaken work of any public body independent of the fulfillment of any of the rights of the people to access to information (5 ILCS 140/1).
Response Time On FOIA Requests
All written requests shall be responded to within five (5) working days (5 ILCS/140/3) following the date the request is received, except in the instance when the request is for commercial purposes. (Within 21 working days of receiving a request for commercial purposes Warren County will: (1) provide a reasonable estimate of time needed to comply with the request along with an estimate of the fees which the requestor will be charged; (2) deny the request pursuant to a statutory exemption; (3) notify the requestor if the request is unduly burdensome and allow the requestor to revise the request to manageable proportions; or (4) provide the requested records). The five (5) day count begins the day after the receipt of the FOIA request by the Department Head or designated department FOIA officer. The requester may be notified of a five (5) day extension (working days) if the files are voluminous, at different locations, or if other reasons make it impossible to assemble and mail the request out within the normal five (5) day period.
Denial of FOIA Requests
All county employees are encouraged to provide available information when requested by the public. Information provided or denied under the FOIA, however, must conform to the legal requirements under the Act. Certain documents may be exempt from disclosure pursuant to specific sections in the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/3(g);7;7.5).
When a public body denies a request for public records, that body must, within five (5) working days, or within any extended compliance period provided for in the Act, notify the person who made the request, by letter, of the decision to deny the request. The letter must explain the reasons for the denial, and give the names and titles of all persons responsible for the denial.
Appeal of Denial of FOIA Requests
Any person denied access to inspect or copy any public record for any reason may appeal the denial by sending a written notice of appeal to the Public Access Counselor at the following address:
Public Access Counselor
Office of the Attorney General
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62706
Phone: 1-877-299-FOIA (1-877-299-3642)
Fax: 2017-782-1396
E-mail: [email protected]
For additional information regarding the Freedom of Information Act, please visit the Illinois Attorney General’s website
Questions? Need Assistance?
Call us at (309) 734-8592 during working hours
The Warren County board and it’s subsidiary offices are committed to the principles of equal opportunity and strictly prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, creed, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its activities, admissions, educational programs, and employment.